Maybe though it is an appropriate way of blocking out all that should have been in the previous year. I'd like to think we're all just a bit better than that though.
No 2010 may not have brought us all our dreams, it may not have brought in the changes demanded of a civilised world. People still seem to judge each other, lack forgiveness and the fight for equality, respect and dignity continues. But perhaps we took one step forward. Even a small one?
Perhaps this current Government, built on suspicion and selfishness will help remind people that actually society does exist and no it ain't BIG! It's the small people that count. The people that no one listens to. The homeless people you walk past on the street. The gay people too afraid to kiss or hold hands in public. The asylum seeker just looking for a safe home. The eastern european just wanting to work for a decent wage. The people in prison paying for their crimes but hoping against hope someone will offer them a job when they've served their time.
Who am I then to judge how people bring in the new year? Democracy, free speech, they are tricky concepts. I don't claim to get it right. But perhaps this year when the society we all thought we knew starts to crumble, when it starts to become about what makes us different rather than trying to understand, accept and respect those differencea - perhaps this year, more than any other I can try a bit harder and hopefully someone will listen......
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